Do you know what one snowman said to the other? - “Do you smell carrots?”
Yesterday at Noon it was 72 degrees and partly sunny. By 4:00 PM it was below 50 and cloudy. Today there is no school and there probably won’t be any tomorrow, It’s 8:45 AM and it’s 30 degrees and sleeting. It’s supposed to get down around 22 today with an 80 to 100 % chance of the sleet and freezing rain turning into snow with an accumulation of anywhere from 2 to 9 inches by Friday. It’s not supposed to get above freezing again until Monday. It’s a tad nipply. Oklahoma weather sucks, it’s never really too cold or too hot but you can use the heater and the air conditioner all in the same day. The News Guy said there will probably be some power outages due to freezing and breaking limbs bringing down power lines. No worries, I have gas heat, a corded phone, two way radios (and so does my sister) enough food and water for a week or so, I wish I had a little more stock-piled but it’s been a hard year. I have propane lanterns and plenty of oil lamps, I wish I had more oil but I have enough for whatever Oklahoma can throw my way. I’m probably planning ahead for nothing because the News Guys hardly ever gets it right anyway. We’ll most likely get a inch and a half of snow and it will melt off by Saturday. Emily has already gone back to bed, she got up at 5:00 AM, showered and watched the news until they finally called school off at 6:10 AM, just the time she usually walks out the door to catch the bus, 5 more minutes and she’d been out the door. Anyway I think a nap sounds pretty good right about now, I've been up all night... again. Peace to all and good day.
(sorry for the lame snowman joke)