Eleven Things That Piss Me Off Lately (ten just wasn't enough)
1. People that say, “I Support Our Troops” What the Hell have they done to support anything? Put a $1.95 sticker on the back of their Hyundai! (and btw, it’s friggin’ crooked) Don't get me wrong, I LOVE OUR TROOPS, I only wish that I could do something to really support them other than pray for them daily.
2. People who use the word, “your” in place of “you’re” and visa-versa. These are the same people who don’t know the difference between, “weather” and, “whether”.
3. People who type like this, “EvErY gOOd bOY dOEs fInE.” What the Hell is up with that crap?
4. Peeple thet mispale everthin to tri an hyde tha fakt thet thay kan’t spale ne thin. I can’t spell and most people know it so why try and hide it, I even screw up using “Spell Check”.
5. People’s personal profiles that say, “I like to have fun”. Duh! Who the Hell doesn’t?
6. REALITY TV! (no explanation needed)
7. Going to McDonalds and getting the ketchup on the OUTSIDE of my double cheeseburger!
8. Constantly having to sign in on Blogger using my Google account!!!
9. Getting 192 pieces of mail every friggin' week. (4 bills, 100 coupons, 1 letter from AT&T telling me that Cingular is the new AT&T, and 87 letters from various VISA Companies telling me that I’m PRE approved to be turned down for a credit card)
10. E-Mails trying to get me to refinance my home - telling me that some rich widow wants to give me 2.5 million dollars and all I have to do is give her all of my personal information, and don’t bother trying to call her because of some freaky throat disease she can no longer talk - trying to get me to purchase discount drugs - or my favorite one, Size does matter, but don’t worry because now you can increase the length AND girth of your Penis with a simple pill, “VIMAX”
11. Rosie O’Donnell (maybe if she would take some of that Twinkie money and buy a Stairmaster or something she could get laid by a Man and then she might not be such a Bee-yotch!)
Sorry… my bad. No offense to Lesbians, or the fine people at Hostess.