Friday, May 18, 2007

Ramblings of a Disturbed Man...

4:31 in the AM. My back is cold, maybe it’s because my back is to the A/C which shouldn’t be on to begin with. I’m hungry. My stomach is doing hula hoops around my a**hole. I’ve been to the toilet 97 times today. The softest toilet paper there is, is still not soft enough after 97 times. 4:35 in the AM. My kid gets up for school in 25 minutes. My left leg is swollen half again its normal size. The grass in my front yard is over a foot tall. Both of my dogs have fleas. Flea collars do not work. The fleas are already really bad this year. I had a new half gallon of flea and tick spray for the yard (the kind you hook up to your water hose and soak the yard with) I kept it over the sink with the rest of the chemicals. Apparently it had a leak because it is empty now. Where did it go?
I was gonna watch a DVD but my Digital VD player suddenly became picky about what it chooses to do and not do. 4:41 an the AM. A small moth is barn storming my PC monitor. I deleted my cookies. I also deleted all of my e-mails. There are fleas in my bed. I’m wondering what photo will go best with this post. I might choose one that has nothing to do with anything. 4:46 in the AM. I’m averaging about nine words a minute with only fourteen errors. I wonder if Maloxx (or is it Mallox) no, I believe its Maalox, anyway does it do anything for gas? Always remember once you are past 40 do NOT trust your farts! 4:50 in the AM. The birds are starting to chirp. I should probably post this and get off before the alarm goes off. By the time I find a random photo and upload it, it should be just about 5:00 in the AM. Have a good day.
Oh, I found a photo. It’s of Alicia Keys. She has nothing to do with my rambles, she’s just so Damn fine that I would drink her bath water, or at least make soup out of her panties. I saw her last week in “Smokin’ Aces” and she was FINE. I need sleep. Peace.


Blogger DirtyBitchSociety said...

I think you are having a pretty shitty day, literally. I would kiss it better, if I could. Yes...

May 22, 2007 8:33 AM  
Blogger Chuck said...

dbs - you better be careful or you'll spred yourself too thin. xoxo

May 22, 2007 10:00 AM  
Blogger Chef said...

Sulfer. Powder. It stinks, but spread it along the base boards of your house, then dust the yard with Sevin dust, it will kill everything, but it's only good until it rains. Peace Bro.

May 22, 2007 4:57 PM  

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