A little over a year ago I had to stop smoking (again) because it was killing me, I know it's bad for everyone but it put me in the hospital a couple of times. The oxygen level in my blood dropped way down and I started to get retarded. I smoked Phillies Chocolate Blunts, now there’s a friggin’ genius, the guy who thought of putting chocolate in something you could smoke. If a he could figure out how to make a chocolate cigarette filter that you just eat when you’ve finished smoking the cigarette, well then he’d be a millionaire for sure. I hated to have to quit smoking because lets face it... I made smoking look pretty Damn cool. I had the Clint Eastwood thing goin' and shit. I loved it, but like I do everything I had to do it to the extreme. I could have financed a small drug habit for what it cost me to smoke, Hell my brother spends less on weed than I did on stogies. Anyway, it was easy to quit, no shit. It was so easy I quit twice (I quit for 5 years a while back). The bitch of it is not starting again. I don't miss the smell, I don't miss the mess (ashes everywhere) I don't miss the cost, or the cough, the wheezing at night when I'd lay down. But I miss having something to do, smoking a blunt was as entertaining as fishing. You had to enjoy the pageantry of it, the process. Unwrapping it, lighting it (you had to use matches, using a bic was like using a condom) you even held it different than a cigarette. You wrapped your index finger around it and steadied it with your thumb and middle finger. I didn't take that much care holding my pud. There is nothing like lighting up in the evening after a meal, it made a crappy meal Ok and a good meal even better. I would pass up dessert to hurry up and get to that smoke (Hell I was getting to where I‘d light up before I was finished eating). But some how when you’re lying in a hospital bed and your kid is asking you when do you get to come home and you have to remove the oxygen so you can answer her. Well smoking doesn‘t quite seem as important anymore, not as cool. It’s been over a year now like I said, no coughing, no wheezing, I’ve got a little more wind whenever I try and do something. I can even think more clearly. It’s amazing what getting enough oxygen to the brain can do for you. But Damn it if I haven’t gained 40 lbs. I guess after supper I still have my chocolate, I just don’t light it anymore. I know I sure looked cooler smoking after a meal than I do loosening my pants, but at least I’m still here. Good day.
Well Chuck, good post. That's next on the vice list. Hell, I gained weight after I stopped all the drugs. But my vice is my smoking and it'll be next. I just gotta get completely fed up. I will but I'm sure I'll gain more weight. But fat's where it's at, thin just ain't in, baby!!
the first girl i laid with, smoked and had a beer before the act (ok she had 9 beers, god bless ya budweiser) and all these months later the smell of cigarettes and beer on a woman gets me charged up, i don't even need my little blue pills.
I quit smoking after my grandpa died of emphezima, however you spell it. It took a long time and I visited him in the hospital enough to get motivated to give it up. But I couldn't stop cold turkey, so I switched to cigars and then later to pipes. I still smoke a pipe now and then,
Well Chuck my dear, you shouldn't encourage me to behave as I normally do, I'm trying to re-learn how to be a lady!
Smokin' weed back in the good ol' days was productive:
1) You kept a dealer in groceries,
2) You felt really good for a while,
3) You got the muncies and cleaned out your fridge, and
4) I could type really really fast and really accurate with any number of distractions.
Now for cigs, there wasn't much good to say about them:
1) They made you short of breath,
2) When you went to sleep at night you were lulled to sleep by the wheezing of your lungs,
3) When smoking was banned in public areas you were scurring around like a rat trying to find a place to smoke, and
4) Your fridge was always filled with spoiled food because cigs don't give you the munchies.
So I quit (nine years ago)! Now when I go to the store I about fall over when I see the price of cigs -- it cost more than the best weed you could by back in the 70's.
An AZ Country Girl
Greetings Chuck..I come by you through our mutal blog matchmaker and fav bitchin gal 'the Babster.' Thank you Babs.
I must say from this..the first of your posts I've yet read..we seem to have the love of smoking and all it's 'by-productions' in common.
But unfortunately like you..if I don't quit soon I will not be breathing at optimium oxygen levels for much longer..not that I am now but at least some is getting in (I think).
Let me congratulate you for sticking to your guns and forgoing the 'look' in favor of living and your child. It is a far far better thing you do.....
It sounds like you were as dedicated to the fine art of smoking as I still am..if you can do it I probably can.
What are we without our vices I wonder..time for this gal to tackle at least one of them and see if she can be as eloquent an ex-smoker as you seem to be.
Too..I'm due a little extra mental clarity in the area that houses my gray matter..funny how that seems to be dissipating daily as well.
"Unwrapping it, lighting it (you had to use matches, using a bic was like using a condom."
Well said and very relatable to for those of us who've never tried it. I've always admired stogie smokers..never having been one myself..I found it endlessly entertaining to watch the ritual of take-off..landing and all inbetween.
Keep on inhaling H2O and thanks for making a serious subject lighter with your take.
AZ country girl, I'm begining to be a fan, keep stopping by.
mary blackchurch, lady with a cool name, i am pleased you stopped by, that babs is something isn't she?
your comment should be a post in itself, thanks.
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