I was in in a bad mood all day, Blogger wouldn’t work Monday morning, that’s kind of how I like to start my day. Read a little, comment some. Get motivated, then get my blog on. But no, I got to read some, didn’t get to comment, and seeing as how I couldn’t publish the post I had ready, I read some more. Now the bad thing about reading someone else’s thoughts and opinions is that eventually you’re gonna see something you don’t agree with. What do you do? Take it too serious and get mad, leave a hateful comment. Well I chose to be the smaller person and I was a horse’s ass all day. I’m a firm believer in “only you can hurt yourself” and I sure did. I spent all day in a foul mood because of what I thought about someone else, and they will never know it or probably didn’t even give that much thought to what they said. So basically I was mad about something in my own head. I thought of every cliché “If you don’t love it leave it” and “That’s what Freedom means, being able to voice your opinions without fear of retribution” I wanted to say something, I wanted to right (write) something, I even thought of pissing someone off by making a “Hater” statement myself. But I caught a hold of myself and did not react stupidly and believe me I can get all up in some stupid. I‘m probably lucky Blogger was down at the time.
Now I’m not usually overly zealous in the patriotic department… The F**k I’m Not! The Government is not America, it's the people that make up this Country, and make it what it is. And when you make a derogatory remark about the U.S. or America, or however you wish to put it, you are talking about the People, you're talking about me. Simple minded Bastard (see how I made that singular, that keeps it from being a “Hate” in general statement) How can someone who lives in the U.S. make a generalized remark about U.S. people? That’s like me bitching about the guy who live in my house. Whether you are a citizen or not, you live here now. Did you move here? Were you placed here? Hell I don’t even know if you were born here or not. Did you have your ass kicked by someone here? Do you WANT your ass kicked by someone here? Bad thing is you are in a position to where some people listen to what you say, did anyone else catch it, did they just let it go by unnoticed. Or am I taking it wrong and being over sensitive? I don’t think so! I am Native American, however I prefer the word Indian, and that makes me American. You don’t know me so don’t include me in your Dumb Ass Lame observations about the U.S.. I can’t even say what I want in fear that I might offend the wrong person or people. I try and have no hate in my heart, but I do when it comes to ignorance. The lord knows I’ve been ignorant in my life and it usually led to hatred and fighting, only because that’s just what it was, ignorance. It’s always easier to lash out at someone than it is to address the situation like a man and think. Well I let a fool get the better of me today and control my emotions and spoil my day, and for that I am sorry. And if I offended anyone unintentionally I am also sorry. Today is going to be a good day. Have a Coke and a smile and shut the f**k up! Canada Rocks Too!
THANK YOU for the canada rocks too comment! I always feel like we are being left out, even in jokes. which i should be fine about.. but still WE ARE HERE DAMN IT! and i don't think there is a thing wrong with being patriotic. even to the point that you get a little sensitive from time to time.
Oh, and i just wanted to let you know, you have my URl, it is this one. SOme times i am silly and sign in with my old blogger account, and that would be why you went to the 'i am not here' page. heh. Sorry for any confussion!!
Well Chuck Dear, you'll have to let me in on what you read but suffice it to say we can all be ignorant if we choose to only see things our way. Walking around with blinders on will only give you that view but looking and searching for the truth will set you free. There's a hell of a lotta ignorance out there and sometimes it's sure hard to swallow. But ya gotta pull your pants up and get outa Dodge sometimes and leave 'em stinkin'! I hope today is good for and xmichra, howdy Canada in da house!!
the canada rocks was especially for you, (not expecially) I too smash the occasional head.
what do you mean "leave 'em stinkin'!" i thought i told no one to go in there for 35 ta 45 minutes. it's a good day.
awww! The correction of especially too!
I *heart* you Chuck!!
Brings to mind a conversation I had with a co-worker...
She looked at me one morning and said "I just love your Spanish accent."
To which I replied: "I don't speak Spanish, so I can't have a Spanish accent."
To which she said: "But your Father's from Mexico!"
To which I said: "What makes you think my fathers from Mexico?"
To which she retorted: "Because he's Mexican, isn't he?"
To which I retort: "Yes, he is, but he was born in the US."
To which she surmized: "Well then his parents were from Mexico!"
To which I responded: "No they were born in the US."
She look at me with great confusion and started to ask another question, but I cut her off with my own question -- "Who do you think lived in California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, before white settlers?"
No response from my co-worker.
I spelled it out for her: "M-E-X-I-C-A-N-S and I-N-D-I-A-N-S." We were already hear! You don't have to be born in Mexico to be Mexican!
A small mind is a dangerous thing!
AZCG (Proud to be an American!)
A small mind is a terrible thing to waste...BOOM, DAMN Occifer, it was an accident!
the three of you women, babs, xmichra, and AZCG, you sure make my days a lot easier to bare.
Just trying to be a good little blogger... lord knows i need to freshen up in the good front.. hehe.
if i had known my health was going to take a dive so early in life i think i might have behaved better... naw, probably not.
In general it's not worth while to spend any time flaming someone on their blog. First, they can just delete your comment. Second, the odds are most people reading the blog agree with the sentiments of the author and they can really swarm on you. I found out the hard way that it's not a good idea to use your own name if you are going to have anything contentious or controversial on your blog. Besides, you're reading blogs for fun and if they make you mad, I'd say just move on and find one you are more comfortable with. I'm vehemently opposed to illegal immigration, for instance, but most blogs that deal with that are all for it. I'd go crazy if I read those all day. By the way, you know your blog is a good one because you get a lot of comments from a varied group of people. That's a sure sign you're doing it right.
I totally disagree with Montanus.. bwwaahaaa.
No seriously, they are probably right. Attacking an author of a blog is usually not a good idea. unless you are me and like to argue. but hell, even i will delete a complete dick.
xmichra, something told me you would invite a good fight or at least an argument. i bet your a biter.
montanus you are correct, that's probably the reason i kept my cool and did not reply. i really like this blogging stuff but if it got too ugly and too dramatic because of something i said i would delete everything and walk away before i let it spoil me. all of the people that take the time to respond to my rambles seem to be ok people, people i'd share a drink with.
i get over things usually pretty quick, getting mad doesn't really help, i don't (can't ) think straight when i'm mad, it will come around. thanks for everyones input.
I do bite off more than i can chew sometimes.. but mostly i like to play devils advocate. Just the debate is fun, and I find it is stimulating.
And I am totally a biter... but not while fighting *wink*
biting... cool.
Man I enjoy your posts. Im new at this but i find it interesting, halarious at times and just good reading. I think I posted my first one yesterday. Check it out sometime if you would. Take it easy
Chuck Dear, you said, "Now the bad thing about reading someone else’s thoughts and opinions is that eventually you’re gonna see something you don’t agree with. What do you do? Take it too serious and get mad, leave a hateful comment."
You took it too serious. The Great Patriot in you came out at an offlandish comment. His same post was similar and you're thinking that f*n commie pinko bastard.But they are international types and could leave not be cause they hate America but right now she's hard to like! Now, you calm down and go get a new bowl of wheaties and dump out that bowl that somebody shit in!Kisses my sweet!
You tickle the heck outta me, Chuck. Your next to the last sentence here made me laugh so good, "Have a coke and a smile and shut the f**k up!"
This post, as usual, was one I could really relate to. I was really "into it" (was really relating to your feelings), and when I read your next to the last sentence (and it was my favorite pissed off term ) I just laughed like crazy.
My "Time to get off blog" is my "ranting side". Sometimes (not always) when I write on that blog, I am upset about something or "emotional" over something. My dog blog was begun for those times I felt too upset for words. Dogs have always taken me to a better place. So have the woods. I could be totally happy, I think, living in the woods with my dogs. One time I did just that -- I left home (when I was in my 40's!) to go live in a tent with my dogs waaay out in the woods. Maybe I'll write about it one day. And maybe one of these days I'll get the nerve to turn my comments section on :)
OK -- gotta run. Everyone have a great day.
whosefan, thanks for taking part, i checked out your site, i was in the same spot less than 2 months ago, i'd have left a comment if it would've let me, come back anytime.
i only know one way to love.
mornin' babs
wisteria, if you ever head out to the woods to live with your dogs, let mw know and i'll move there too. not too close but just so that we can blog about our dogs by smoke signals or drums.
if you ever turn on your "comments" i'll be there.
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