It's been a good day, I've spent time catching up on e-mails, reading other peoples blogs, reading comments, laughing, and commenting back, I even talked to my brother on the phone (he had to e-mail me to get off of the computer). I've been doing this blog thing for a little over a month now. Not near as long as most, I've always been behind the times, I guess that's just the country in me, Hell I just got call waiting on my phone and I'm still hanging up on people. And like I said before, I happened onto it by circumstance. I wanted to know what a blog was and wound up starting my own. People have been great, I've made a few friends, one very good friend. The people you run across are genuine and unique. From a Gun Enthusiast living in the woods of Georgia to a wonderful Lady with a huge heart living on Long Island. Not to mention people all around the world. It has opened my eyes and mind to a whole new way of things. It has let me express myself while also seeing the good in others. It has also made me see how small the world really is. I talk to someone in New York everyday, and someone from China could be reading my thoughts and words right now. I've never been very big on progress or new things, never have been. Probably like most people a little intimidated by change. New things and new ways can be scary. Well ignorance can be scary too. I still think old things and old ways are good, probably always will. But new things can be good too... I guess. I sure get a charge out of new people reading my posts and commenting on them. I thank them all and they are welcome anytime. It makes writing a little easier when you know someone will read it. I need to get off of here now and see to my daughter, she just got home from school and is letting me know it's snack time. Until next time my new friends, good day.
of course I have been laughing over your tales at Babs, so I just HAD to come and see your pad.
Nice post, adn I totally agree. I love blogging, and I feel very close to the people I converse with on a daily basis. I use the term internet friend... but really, they are all just friends.
Something about this whole WWW lets people be themselves. Then others come around and like what you write.. and it is all of a sudden easy to be yourself... because you write all the good bad and ugly, and these people still love you. infact, they come back for MORE.
hmm... i am thinking this will be my next post topic..hehe.
TTFN Chuck!!
I am the fortunate and honored one to have come across you, Chuck. That's funny, as it seems it's been forever and I don't know who found who. Did I come to your blog first? If I did, I don't even remember how. Oh well, it is to my benefit. BTW, tell your daughter hello and for God sakes post a pic of her, maybe of you two together, then I'll get to know her and see who you're talking about. Unless you have reserves, I'll respect that. xoxoxo
xmichra, my day just keeps getting better. Thank you for gracing my pages. You are exactly right, the good, the bad, and the ugly and they still come back for more. You right that post.
i can be the ugly, babs can be the bad and that leaves you for the good.
muchos gracias for the "new read" thing.
babs, you can't find what you're not looking for. i think i found you and you've helped me from that moment on. i have as much fun commenting on your posts as i do my own. you have a way of bringing out the naughty in people. i hope we continue to have a ball and meet people for a long time. i'm looking for a photo. xoxoxo
I am the good one?? We are in deep s**t.
you're right, i read your 100 things, "the good " is up for grabs. love your blog, love DMX, and now i know how to spell "warrant" thanks.
Oh, I guess that leaves me to play the good part. I'll really have to study for this one,wooooo!
The internet has become a sort of "everyman's" ham radio. You never know who you'll wind up talking to and it's a lot of fun.
that's a good way to put it, ham radios used to be a lot more popular, i wonder why people like to talk to people they really don't know, so far away. human nature reaching out i suppose. take care.
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