These "laws" have been passed down from generation to generation by the Cherokee. If you study these in depth, you will see that they will cover the Ten Commandments and the others that Jesus gave, most found in the respect shown to others. This is what the Cherokee based their life on. By following these, one would live in harmony and balance with all of Creation.
1. The first thing one should do of the morning is to praise the Creator for your life and all of Creation. Asking Him for guidance through the day and thanking Him for providing another day for you. Recognizing Him as the only one true God.
2. Always keep fresh in your mind that everything has been created by God and deserve respect. Everything God has created has a purpose in life. We should honor these and treat them with kindness and generosity. Always assume that others are in need of something. Offer what you have to give.
3. When you find that you have more than you and your family need, then give the excess to someone who can use it.
4. When you say you are going to do something, or otherwise promise something, you are bound by your words. You can not break it without permission from the person you have told this to.
5. Practice silence. This shows self-control, true courage, patience, dignity, reverence and internal peace. And by practicing silence you can build these characteristics up through time.
6. Never over indulge or under indulge on anything. Do all things in moderation. And this includes boasting or attracting attention through your behavior. Eating, sleeping, working, learning and so on.
7. Know what helps you and what hurts you. Learn from your experiences and be open to new ones, remembering to live each day in itself, not worrying about tomorrow or living in the past but retaining the knowledge learned. Listen to advice and guidance offered by elders and friends. Listen with your heart and then follow up through prayer to the Creator for His guidance.
8. Always ask permission before doing anything that involves someone else, including all living things. Always give something back in return for things received, including a simple "thank you." Remember that a smile can be shared.
9. Beware of what is inside you and outside of you.
The following are all about respect and can be grouped together as one once it is understood what respect truly is.
10. Always, always, always show respect. From the youngest to the oldest, from the rocks to the trees, from all animals to all peoples.
11. Never stare at someone and drop your eyes in respect to an elder or teacher.
12. Always give a sign of greeting, even to strangers.
13. Never talk about someone in a harmful or critical way. Remember that what you say it will always come back to you one way or the other.
14. Never touch anything that is not yours without permission from the owner.
15. Respect the privacy of everyone. Never enter into their place or space without permission. Do not disturb anyone's quiet time or prayer time.
16. Never offer advice or ask questions of another without their permission.
17. Never interrupt.
18. When you are in someone's home, follow their customs out of respect.
19. Always treat other things held sacred by someone with respect even though you may not understand why.
20. Treat Mother Earth with respect. Always protect Mother Earth as well as all of Creation on her in all ways.
These natural laws and ways of obeying the one Creator is put inside us through the Sacred Fire. Putting these teachings into words is not an easy task. Kelly Hartley (Willow Branch), has used the book "Medicine of the Cherokee: The Way of Right Relationship" by JT Garrett and Michael Garrett in aiding her in doing this so that we could better understand the proper way of living as Cherokee.
I always lived by the "do onto others..." train of thought, but seems like lately if I do onto others what they do to me -- I'd pretty much be a total asshole. That's all I gotta say.
i feel the same way
Chuck you sure got a nice looking site there. Great article about the Cherokee way. Thanks for checking out mine. I think I figured out the problem with comments. If you could, check it out again for me then I'll know I'm in bidness. Thanks a million.
CHUCK, THIS IS AN OUTSTANDING RESOLUTION. I am partial to #4 and #5 and I find that this is the simple standards to live by, so simple. Yet, people go on and forget what is important, what is right, what is just, in the name of self-will run riot. AZCG, made a good point. That is why every day I must, repeat must, remind myself that God says, "Vengence is Mine." I used to handle things myself, I was very evil and took great pleasure in retribution. But I have grown and I must and have to leave it for God to handle. This was my biggest lesson. Good post, really goo!
whosefan, thanks, i kind of like it myself, i added a little as i went along, i think i have it about where i want, had a lot of help from my partner in crime babs, she guided me along, i'll stop by again soon.
babs you are scaringly (is that a word) correct, simple standards i wish came to me and others automatically, mostly common courtesy and respect, i like #5 a lot, i don't think i get #11, i've looked at it several times and it's just worded kind of strange to me. the woman i stole this from (oh my, not another wise woman) she said that it is similar to the Sioux way of looking at life. thanks again.
I am personally fond of "When you are in someone's home, follow their customs out of respect.". The way i figure it, if you utilize the word 'home' to 'space one dwells' it becomes the space any one person encompasses, therefor giving espect to one another at all times, regardless of building or surrounding.
But then again i am a godless soul who knows nothing of spirituality. Quote unquote (not by you guys of course!)
Chuck, do you believe xmichra is a Godless soul? I don't!
you heathen you, am i gonna have to show up at your front door on a saturday morning with some literature?
i've read your "100 things" (twice) and other than not wanting to go home because your brother was bleeding, i have no problem with anything.
you're welcome at my table anyday, as long as you don't try and bite anyone... until after the meal that is... or before... really i'm pretty flexible on the whole matter.
i got out of order there a bit...
xmichra godless... i don't know about that, she would be if it would piss someone off and start a "debate", but i think she has the spirituality thing wrapped up.
chuck, I agree with you whole heartedly!
thanks guys!!! Seriously, I may not hav eyour god, but don't write me off!! I don't know where some people get their ideas from. :)
And just to clarify, my brother had been horsin' around as usual.. and he fell off the teeter-totters while I was on the opposite end (giving 'bumps' of course because we were around eight years old). He hit the bar while falling and bit half way through his tounge.
was it gross? Oh ya. Was I scared to go homewith my brother looking like that?? Oh ya. BUT, did I carry him home on my back because he has fainted and we lived almost ten blocks away?? you bet your ass.
He's my brother.
i shoved my little brother's head into the corner of a dresser, i was 13 and he was 8, it poked a hole in the middle his forehead about the size of a dime, you could see his skull, he was screaming and yelling bloody murder. i held him down in the bathroom with a towel over his head, mostly over his mouth and told him he better lie to Mom and say he fell or something or i would not let him go downstairs and get help, the little bastard agreed and when i let him go he ran straight to mom and told her the truth, she whipped my ass, took him to the hospital for stiches, came home whipped my ass again and later when my dad got home from work he whipped my ass too. i can't sleep on my back and haven't since i was 12, the little bastard hit me in the forehead with a basebal bat while i was asleep, all i heard was a loud boom, saw a bright light and woke up hours later with a head like a Klingon (sp?) from Star Trek. the little bastard, but he's my brother and he helps me out when ever i need him.
brothers are very funny that way. They get you into so much trouble, but are always there when trouble finds you.
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