A friend of mine, Babs of “Bitchin’ & Stuff” fame, published a post about a couple of penguins that were thought to be gay (I guess they were proven to be gay) it was reported that they were seen engaging in “Nuts to Butts” activities, several times. Hey, as long as they’re happy, I’m jazzed. One of the comments left on that post follows below:
S.C. said…
“Hey - reminds me - did you know there is one animal (other than us :) scientists have discovered masturbates in front of their would-be mate (saw it on Discovery or one of those channels). He's a porcupine-looking dude In Australia, I think. Anyhow...they filmed several incidents. He stands up in front of her (she's foraging and not paying much attention to him), he starts jacking off, then he gets as close to her as he can and ejaculates. He could do it over and over! They showed them (the males) competing, too, like "Hey! I can do it better than YOU CAN!" It was awesome!”
Pretty funny, right? I commented back to her: “Hey, what kind of freaky PBS porn you been watching?” And then I went on about my business and later on I find myself watching TV and flipping channels when I come across channel “11”, PBS right, and I hear, “You want to make sure that the Lion is fully tranquilized before you try and extract the sperm.” Oh yeah! I stop flipping and turn up the sound. It goes on to show this woman (in Africa out in the Serengeti Bush) shoot a Lion in the hip with a tranquilizer dart, from the front seat of a Land Rover. A few minutes later this big ass Lion is down and the lady is checking out his sack! Yeah, his nuts (they're furry and soft looking). She goes on and checks it out for other health issues and determines it to be about 4 years old. She double checks it one more time to see if it’s good and under (the darn thing is snoring) the dude with her shows some scares on his arm where a Lion jacked him while he was “Extracting a Load” I’m thinking “serves him right”, even this country boy from Ok knows you don’t go touching no Serengeti Bush Lion’s nut sack when he’s awake. Anyway, this lady takes an “instrument” about the size of a large carrot and sticks it in the Lion’s butt. He stops snoring, but he doesn’t really move. Then they hook it up to a truck battery and -- ZAPPO! This Lion unloads about a quart and a half of “Cat Gravy” I mean to tell ya, that cat just laid there with one leg up in the air a bit and it’s shaking like your dog does when you find the sweet spot while scratching him. My dog jumped up and left the room and I just sat there and thought, “no friggin’ way”, I was so shocked I didn’t even catch why they were doing it. I did immediately think “I‘m bloggin’ this tomorrow”. So there you have it, Bush Porn on the Discovery Channel. Inquiring Minds… Cool! Have a Good day.
that discovery channel, or PBS or anything that is on for 'learning purposes' is usually way up in the animal sexcapades. I figure that these National Geographic people are all pervs who found funding under the guise of better understanding. If I did that to some guy and filmed it, it would be porn. hehe.
chuck, I feel I missed a really good episode. Butt gravy,hhhhhmmmmmmmm good!You'd have to put my ass to sleep to do that too! Remember when we were kids and saw a National Geographic with the African pancake titties and giggled like hell. Hey what were they doing with the butt gravy,btw?
I can see it now, - Coming up next on PBS (Pubic Broadcasting System) "Xmichra's Wild Back Yard" funding for this programing provided for by, "Chuck's Porn Shack", tonights episode "Mark takes a finger up the Ass"
did i go too far? sorry.
babs, i still have a collection of National Geographics, there's nothing like a good set of bush titties.
hahaha.... i don't think any amount of money could make mark take a finger up the butt. Hell, he won't even let the doctor do that!!
oh fuck I can't eeeeeven type.
hehehe I told ya it was good stuff. Do you guys have your remotes handy? Flip it to Nat Geo. They're doing giraffes tonight!
i love giraffes, they are huge in real life, freakishly huge.
you know shad, this post was for you. you inspired me.
I don't even want to know how big a giraffe "is". Dude, i will have nightmares!
That picture makes me so hot oooooohhhhh!
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