I couldn't hardly stand the pain,
I got mad and took two Valiums, and then I took two Lortabs, and I chased them down with a couple of oversized shots of Jack Daniel's.
Now my legs may still hurt, I'm not really sure, I may not even have legs anymore and I don't care. As long as I get a break from the pain, I don't give a Damn!
Do you remember that old commercial on drugs where it showed the egg and the skillet and the guy said, "this is you brain" then he broke the egg in the skillet and said, "this is your brain on drugs" do you remember that? Well I remember it and now I have to go fix me an egg samich! Thanks for the dance.
damn you chuck.. now i want an egg samich and i have to work!!
hope you get what ever releif you can for the pain. I had no idea what that was, and i only read what i could find on it. did you ge tthis from diabetes, or was it just there??
chuck, now I want grits and eggs with butter and salt. I too hope you get a little relief by now, you probably still have the pain, you just don't give a shit! I'll kiss it better ok?
Chuck, mixing pills and alcohol is a bad idea. I'm not preaching, I just would hate to see you done in. Can't the doctor give you something specific for this type of problem?
i like this, do something stupid and you find out who your friends are.
neuropathy, it sucks, i've had bad circulation since i was about 12 or 13 that i can remember, i was big into sports and had trouble swelling all of the time, so i wonder if that's where it started.
the swelling in my legs and feet has not gone down in almost 2 years, i'm supposed to take lasix but i don't all the time.
i have bronzing in my lower legs, tiny blood vessels break and the blood goes through the tissues an muscles of the legs turning them kind of a bronze color just below the knee and down to the ankle,(that's where the pain is mostly targeted)
the doctors tell me it's going to get a lot worse and if i burn out on pain killers now there will be no place left to go later on.
i'm a big guy and i don't drink much, hardly ever really, but medication doesn't and never has had much effect on me, i found out years ago especially with cold medicine (NyQuil) a shot or two of bourbon or sour mash seems to make it work, at least on me anyway. i wouldn't recommend it to no one. it's has to get to the point of tears before i do it.
thanks all.
oh yeah, what i have is called diabetic neuropathy, i guess that means there's a different kind. and it's starting in my hands.
thanks again.
from what i have read on webmd, this is not a fun thing at all. I am so sorry that you have to go through that.. not to get all touchy feely on you ;)
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thanks lady, i believe i have it for a reason, i just don't know what that reason is, but it's not who or what i am, i'm just chuck.
and no worries... no touchy feely takin' here ;)
I was busy all day and I just sat down for the first time! Sorry about the pain you're in -- I'm one of the lucky few with an very high tolerance for pain -- almost cost me my life a couple of times, but I'm still here! Take care of yourself, I love your sense of humor!
good to hear from you, that's the worst thing about it is i had a high tolerance also, i take quite a bit before i let it get to me, everybody including my doctor is always trying to get me to check into the hospital, i skip a lot of appointments because i go to the indian hospital here and all of my regular app. are right there so all it takes is a wheelcahair and i'm admitted. i started this blog so i could have an outlet for what i thought about pain but it kind of turned into something else. you people still hear more about it than my family or friends around here, thanks for putting up with me, i started another blog to gripe on it but then it took a turn also, i still talk about the pain but try and put a spiritual twist on it (see chuck the blogster) it'll all get better. thanks for the ear.
oh wow chuck - so sorry to hear you're going through this. Neuropathy sux (I've got it from this virus but nothing like yours.) You've even got the edema and bronzing, and so yeah - that's some pain, alright. I gotta ask (cuz you're such a sweet guy and cuz I really care about ya, and I really mean that) are you back on the Lasix? Chronic pain sucks so bad. And please, Chuck, (this is the part that really scares me) please don't mix the pills with booze. I just had to say that because I've had several friends, (including almost myself one time) who never made it back from that combination. I don't preach, either, but when I see someone I care about -- I ... I... I.... (lol -- you get the picture.) Besides, you've got smoke signals and drums to beat with me in the woods yet :)!
Feeling your pain and wishing I could take it away. I'm gonna go check out your other blog. Hang in there.
shad catcher
Yea chuck, what Shadcatcher said. Not that I'm a good example as I drink and take Xanax everyday. Sorry, I won't throw stones either. But yea, with Hep C, you get neuropathy and I got it and ascites, so my stomach swells sometimes. Hope you're feeling better today!
thanks ladies, you've all become the best part of my day, and if i could get out and do everything i used to do and still want to, i'd still start my day off with you. but please don't think of the pain and crap when you think of me, just think of crazy old slightly portly damn pretty for a man chuck.
no worries.
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