Monday, March 20, 2006

Three Years and Counting

March 19th, 2006, three years of war in Iraq. Over 2300 American Soldiers killed, over 9000 wounded. Twenty seven soldiers came home to their families in Oklahoma this weekend. Mothers, Fathers, Brothers, Sisters, Wives, Husbands, Sons, Daughters, Aunts, and Uncles crying, laughing, hugging and all bursting with pride. I wish I had a way or even the words to thank these young men and women. It's a good thing they don't do it for the thanks, they would come up short if they did. I don't believe any of us have the words or grace to honor them properly for the sacrifices they make each and every day. Hopefully when this is over we wont soon forget, and when someone says that they are an American Soldier or a Veteran it will stand for something and they will be treated like they deserve. 2300 dead, how many peoples lives does that affect ? How many people lost their lives in Iraq before the Americans arrived. How many people were affected by that. How many people's lives have been saved in the last three years ? 2300 dead, thousands saved. There is no justification for the death of a loved one. The pain does not go away, it only lessens with time. Knowing that loved one died with pride and honor doing something they believed in so that others can grow up like they did without fear and tyranny might make that time go by a little easier. We say we support our soldiers by putting a $2.00 sticker of a flag or a ribbon on the back of our cars. Would we even have bought it if it had not been next to the cash register when we were paying for our gas and a bottle of spring water ? There needs to be a better way of support, something with a little sacrifice on our part. If nothing else lets give them something to come home to. It shouldn't be only their families and friends waiting for them when they return, and it sure as Hell shouldn't be a protest. How would these protesters act if it was on our soil, in our front yards ? Would it be the same as the people who do not want God in our Schools or in our Government but when they face death or mayhem he is the first they ask to save them ? Maybe the Media could run a story about something positive for a change. A story of courage or loyalty or about standing back to back with a man or woman who you know will not let you down. In three years I have heard of one real Hero, Captain Brian Chontosh USMC and I found out about him from an e-mail not the six o'clock news. After 9-11 we heard stories about first responders heading right into the face of danger. I remember a story of a lady who was coming down the stairs of one of the Twin Towers trying to get out like any sane person would and about how young men and old alike in uniforms were going up the stairs in the wrong direction, and she said those men were Beautiful... just Beautiful. I remember people reaching out their hands to one another covered so badly in dust you couldn't tell if someone was black, white, red or brown, they just helped. It did not matter where you were from or who you prayed to, they just helped. What will I remember when this War is over ? I will remember Captain Brian Chontosh USMC of NY, I will remember Pvt. Jessica Lynch, and I will remember the Doom and Gloom and Negativity of the Media and that is why I spend more time on the Computer than I do watching the News on TV. Good day.


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