Marbles As Gifts...
I got the Idea from Di, she gave me a yellow "Catseye". It's mine, you can't have it.

This one is for Babs, because I would give her the world if I could. It's called "The World" of coarse.

This one is for Xmichra, it's the closest one to an "Asteroid" I could find. It's called an "Apitite" it's special.

This one is for Montanus, it's a marble shooter, because like myself he is a Firearms Enthusiast. (he knows a butt-load more than I do about firearms)
I know it's kind of silly but it brought back a lot of good childhood memories for me looking for these. I used to hoard them like they were gold and I would never play with my favorite ones. I really liked the ones that were transparent colors, like blues and greens, and even clear ones but I can't remember what they were called, seemed like most names ended in an "ies" like Moonies. I wonder whatever happened to them all. Well anyway, thanks for the idea Di.
Chuck, have you lost your marbles?
"a sign of innocense lost and strength" i like the sound of that.
i believe i lost all my marbles years ago.
i used to play marbles too.. and you can still find them in some small town gift shops. Thank you for my marble!! Now i will have to beat up some five year old to find a marblr to give to you. geez.. the work.. heh
Can you imagine giving a kid marbles to pay with today? The look on the kids face when you tell him the entire point of the game is to knock someone elses marble out of the circle drawn in the dirt. No sound effects, no joy stick, no automatic point counter, and no imaginary foe dies during game...
I think the only place to find marbles nowadays is at antique and collectible shows.
Thank you, Chuck! I love the marble you gave me! It's really beautiful and cool (and appropriate :)
Wow -- this is "cosmic feeling", actually, (that I would visit here this early morning and find this note on marbles). I am a marble fan (and I guess one might call me an amateur collector.) I've got hundreds of marbles displayed in a basket (some are very old). Some are clay marbles that I found when I used to comb the farming fields here for Indian artifact (arrowheads, pipes, pottery, tools, hair pieces, etc). I'm also an old bottle hound (we look for old dump sites in the woods and dig for old bottles). In doing that, I have found glass marbles. I have no clue how old they are, but since the bottles and fruit jars we found date back to the late 1800's, one would assume the marbles are also as old. Pulling a whole bottle or glass marbles out of the earth and brushing the dirt away to see the beauty is ... it's a "high" for me! I frequently pick a marble up from that colorful basket and just hold it to the light and look through it and wonder how old it might be and whose hands it traveled through before it reached mine. I can hold one of the clay marbles and especially become lost in thought.
Thank you so much for the dalmation marble!
I've actually heard a kid say, "what's a marble?". Some of the companies I researched were back in the early to mid 1900's (1912 to 1954) some older and some newer. Back when Tops and Cap Guns were big. A lot of metal and wood toys. (I used to have a "Gunsmoke" lunch box with a "Festus" thermos)
Xmichra - you ought to thank me just for a reason to beat someone up !
AZCG - You are 100% correct, hand a kid a bag of marbles and you'll find them laying on the ground somewhere... well now, that's a whole nother post.
Wisteria - Glad you stopped by today, I thought you would appreciate the soul and innocense of a marble, I saw a few clay ones, they can get kind of expensive. I use to look for arrow heads and scrapers (i still have some) I have a scraper right hear at my computer, it's kind of a good luck piece, my daughter found it in Cherokee Co. here in Ok. I also use to have some old bottles I found as a kid, I would look for the ones that had an I.T. on the bottom (Indian Territory) before Statehood in 1907. All of this make me think of what happened to all my stuff? Hindsight comes around too late.
That marble shooter is a "zip gun" made for marbles instead of a .22LR cartridge. Pretty clever idea. Where did you ever find a picture of that, I didn't even know they existed.
The above comment was made by me, not anonymously. Blogger has been acting up and not functioning properly all morning. I guess I shouldn't complain, it's free.
I've had a Hell of a time with Blogger today. I did an image search on Yahoo for "shooter marbles" and it came up under "marble shooter", thay had a few more, some metal, some wood, and even some plastic. I thought it was kind of neat. I played a lot of marbles as a kid and I never knew they existed either.
Honey, I wanted to post my marble for you first and then comment but blogger was being a bitch last nite too. Then today I coulda, woulda, shoulda bitch slapped it but whatdaya want for free? Thanks baby, I'll kiss ya when I see you, in the meantime oooooooooooooooowwwwww, feel that?
i've been lookin' for ya, a day without babs is a day wasted.
Well Hhhellllll Yeah ! ! your a naughty girl ! (now i'm whisperin')
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