Monday, March 27, 2006


Most people who work, don’t care for Mondays, whether they like to work or not. It’s hard to get started or restarted on something, or everything seems to happen or come at you all at once. I haven’t really worked since November of last year, I had worked for the same company for 14 years, come in contact with a lot of good people. I keep in touch with a few of them and some others call every now and then. I was starting to get use to Monday just being another day, no different from the rest. Last Monday a good friend of mine from work, JM’s daughter was killed in a car accident on the way to school, she was taking college classes in Tulsa and was on her way to class when she hydroplaned and lost control. Most of the time when someone dies you hear about how good a person they were, or how full of life they were. Well this time it fits, Jennifer was a beautiful girl, just beautiful. I’ve known her since she was a thing little, 6 or 7, always smiling, treated people with respect no matter who they were. She was a nice young person, the kind we need more of. Life’s cut short sometimes. God knows what he’s doing whether we understand or not. She will be missed. My heart goes out to JM and his family. Today is Monday, I just received a phone call from another good friend from work, a man we served passed away this morning. That’s the kind of work we did, we served people in their homes that had developmental disabilities, assisted them with their daily needs, whatever that may be. It was our goal to provide a better way of life for them. The down side to dealing with people’s lives is that you also have to deal with their deaths. I did not know DH very well, I had only seen him a handful of times, I never had the privilege of working with him myself, but my good friend did and she spoke of him often, keeping his confidentiality in mind. Sometimes our caseloads would have to shuffle around and she always fought to keep him. He was in his 40’s and I heard today that his mother said he was not supposed to have lived passed 16 due to his condition, and doctors had continually told her though out his life that he could go at anytime. Well I must say he proved those doctors wrong, at least for a while, making it into his 40’s is a little better than 16. Still my heart goes out to her. Sometimes lives last longer than expected. God knows what he’s doing whether we understand or not. Two decent and good souls in two weeks. All I can say is that Heaven is richer for our loss. Next Monday I’m not answering the phone. God Bless and Good day.


Blogger Chef said...

Hey bro this is your brother from another mother here in the 'Quah. I heard about our friend in Westville, sad deal. I heard he went in his recliner though, which is how I wanna go. I hadn't heard about the little girl, is it Jim M's daughter? That is horrible, but like you said, God knows what he's doing. I believe that. There have been times my belief in God have been tested, tried, and pushed to what I thought was the limit, and come to find out, he was always there, his plan was always the best, and I was better off for trusting him. My heart goes out to JM's family, if you get the opportunity please tell him Tammy and I are thinking of him. Take care of yourself, this is Tuesday, not Monday, but you can't be too careful. Mondays are a strange animal unto themselves. They are the beginning and the end. The beginning of our work week, and the end of our personal time. They are often holidays, and sometimes they are Christmas. I never gave much thought to Mondays, except everyone always seemed so down and dragging on Monday. I think I like Monday. I don't really care for Tuesday, it has no personality. Wenesdays are mid-week and church, Thursdays are way cool, I like the sound of Thursday, and of course Fridays rule. Saturdays have always been busy days for me, but in the fall when the Sooners are playing and the air is cool and crisp, I love Saturdays. Sundays were boring for me as a child, church church church. Wear your good clothes, don't get dirty etc. Now they are a day I get my soul re-charged and ready for the upcoming week. I see people I love, and who love me. I get to see my children learn for the first time things I learned years ago sitting in pews very similar to the ones they sit in today. So Mondays.....well, they are what they are. Everything has a place and a purpose, so I guess we have no choice but to deal with Mondays. Take care my friend, I think of you daily. I lift you up in prayer every time I pray. I will say a prayer of thanks that you are a friend to me, and a prayer of protection over you and Emily, so as you open this email know that someone has been to the Father on your behalf. You're a good dear friend Charles, I am glad I got to know you. Take care, love your kid, enjoy the sunset, laugh out loud. The rest is just details. Cook

March 28, 2006 4:30 PM  
Blogger Chuck said...

Thanks for checkin' out my site Brugh, yeah it was Jim's daughter, I'll tell him you and Tams are thinking of him. I could not even imagine what he's going through. You hear anything on that new job?

March 28, 2006 6:12 PM  

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