Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Things Should Be Way Different !

Tuesdays I usually post another part of the much acclaimed original blog series “The Medicine Wheel”, but much to mine and everyone else’s chagrin, that will not be posted on this day. (Not that anyone reads this Crap anyway)
Instead I will be posting this piece of canine excrement about how my life just went into the crapper.
I have not worked since November 22nd, of 2005. That’s five and a half months longer than I’ve ever gone without a job since puberty. I started filing for Disability on December 15th, 2005. I’ve spent about thirty five man hours filling out forms, I’ve spent a butt-load of hours on the phone, many, many hours on-line, many hours reading literature that I do not understand, numerous Doctor visits and six months of waiting. I have exhausted my life’s savings (which believe me, was not much) I had it in my positive-glass-half-full kind of outlook that I would be hearing from them any day now. In a way I was correct, I did hear from them, Monday I received another letter stating that they still do not have enough medical information on me. So now I have three more Doctor’s appointments ahead of me. Three appointments with three different specialists in three different cities in five days. June, 17th, 19th, and the 21st. And then even if I get approved (which at this point I highly doubt it), it could be another two or three months before I would receive my first check. July first I will be three months behind on my house payments (foreclosure city) not to mention everything being turned off, my kid having to go back and live with her Mom, at least she’ll be taken care of… sort of. Me and my dog Tigg will be staying in the woods living on spam, sardines, rats and whatever else I can shoot, steal , beg, or borrow. I don’t want to go get on anymore F**king assistance or fill out anymore paperwork for HUD to make a house payment or two, or to get my gas bill paid (who needs gas when you don’t have water or electricity) I don’t want Welfare or Food Stamps. I just want what they said was due me to F**king begin with. The lady on the phone at the Social Security Administration Office asked me how was I going to get by without any money… SHE NEEDS A SIGN AROUND HER NECK SAYING, “STUPID F**KING FEDERAL EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH!!” I never wanted to slap anybody so badly in my whole life. I know God will look after me and I’ll get by somehow, but I won’t like it and it will be Hell on earth before it gets any better and I can smile again. Someone owes me about $1,000, if they would come through with that and I guess I could sell my truck and get by a little longer. What I don‘t wind up selling or losing I‘ll probably have taken from me sooner or later. If I’m lucky I’ll get to shoot some Yankees before they take me out. I’ll tell you one thing, the Government can officially kiss my slightly red Southern Ass!


Blogger Unknown said...

My Darling, although you may not want to share the wealth when you win your case, it might be time to get an attorney from Legal Aid. They almost always turn people down and this may save that step. I tjust worked for my son, Lee. But he was turned down twice and all that time later, when he was finally given an attorney, he was finally awarded his due. I'm so sorry you have to go through all this. It makes life fucking insane. But I have the faith that you'll be ok and keep thinking, don't give up. If I could, I'd hand you everything I owned right now but I don't have it to give and you're probably too proud to take it anyway. Hand in there baby,please hand in there!! Big time kisses!!

June 06, 2006 11:33 AM  
Blogger Chuck said...

thanks, i'll talk to you later, i'm too pissed to make any sense right now.

June 06, 2006 12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Chuck!

People have made millions off the Internet can't we start a campaign for you. It seems like everybody is two paychecks away from loosing everything they worked their entires lives, but everybody can afford a dollar and a bunch of dollars can really help. I guess you'd have to give out your address or get a post office box (another expense you don't need). We need a catch phrase something like "Chuck's Buck," "A Buck For Chuck," "Plump Daddy Chunky Chuck's Buck" we all should have creative input let's hear them!

You've already have 2,489 hits on your blog and you could ask your blogger friends to help spread the word.


June 06, 2006 12:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chuck, you've paid into the government all your life. Now is the time to get some of it back. It's no reflection on you or your personal integrity. If you can get any kind of money out of the government, take it. Food stamps, special allocations for heating and cooling, free food distributions, who cares? You have to get by and you're sick and can't work. That's what all this was originally set up for, and there's not the slightest shame in taking what you can. The federal government is totally inefficient, and the bloated bureacracy will not be much help. Remember, the Government OWES you, they've been sucking around 25% of your income all your working life. Get all you can.

June 06, 2006 1:19 PM  
Blogger Chuck said...

it sucks ! i swear it's draining the life out of me, if i did get it, i'd hate to hand over $5,000 to an attorney. i'd rather shoot someone.

June 06, 2006 4:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Chuck. Sorry to hear about this. It took me three years to get on SSDI, and before it was over with I had lost everything I had worked for. I lived in the woods for a while - in a fucking tent. I cussed the food stamp people out. I sat on Salvation Army's doorstep when I had no money for toilet paper and cried and begged for canned goods and TP (and got it, and then beat the shit outta my BF because he tried to take it with him on his vacation to Utah.) Going from a working class citizen to a very sick, SSDI claimant and jumping through their freakin hoops while so sick sent my ass over the top. After I finally got mine (and I didn't have to go to a hearing), it became my mission to help every single homeless veteran I knew (and I know many) get their benefits.

The first thing you must do is get an attorney (after you've been denied the first time).

If you have EVER been treated for depression -- I don't care how long ago it may have been -- claim it. You can help your claim immeasurably by seeking treatment for depression (and it's VERY depressing filing for disability.) You damn right I'll give you some "helpful hints" on how to help your claim. The medical evidence you have should be enough, but unfortunately it may not be. If there is a county mental health near you, I would strongly suggest you walk in and say "I need to be seen." I don't know about your state, but in this state for indigent people (and you will be indigent before this is through) it's a free service.

Do not give up. Writing your congressman and state representatives can also help. Having someone on your behalf who knows your situation and who can write a letter for you can also help.

OK -- I'm thru :) Sorry this was so long, but SSDI and VA disability claims are very close to my heart, and I'm a HUGE proponent of helping light fires under asses to help someone get the benefits they are due.

You keep hanging in there.


June 06, 2006 6:52 PM  
Blogger Mary Blackchurch said...

Hey guy..bummer day huh..am so sorry to hear the run arounds been handed to you..so not deserved. It's true..social services were desgined as a safety net for us when we're in positions such as you are right now. It's just they make you feel so frigging shity about asking for something you actually paid into all of your life and should really be offered at times like these.

No wonder you don't want to do it. There are some good ideas up above..the lawyer thing being one..I know it's like pulling teeth but if you never end up collecting your dues..then 5,000.00 would be worth it. And heck a paypal or the like donate on your blog could help too. I'm sure m ore people than you think could offer up some help..we're probably none of us rich..but a little here and a little there..well it's something right.

Sometimes we have to know when to acquiesce for our better good. I hear ya buddy it's damn hard to do when you've made your own way all your life..and you will again..be sure of that. It's just one of those times in life when the pendulam is on the down swing..and what goes down..must come up.

I have a ticket for tonights bi-weekly lottery..it's for 29 cool millions..if I win..let me tell ya..your troubles are so over. A long shot..sure..but a shot nonetheless.

Hang in...you're going to be fine.

A big hug to ya.

PS. I'm going to try your toothache remedy..swish swish.

June 06, 2006 7:00 PM  
Blogger Chuck said...

wys - you are a god send, if and when they do say "no" i'll get an attorney, i may be eligible for free legal aid from the cherokee nation, if not there are a lot of lawyers around here that specialize in ssdi, i'm just so tired of talking and reading and writing and being poked at. i sure appreciate your thoughts and wishes.

June 06, 2006 11:54 PM  
Blogger Chuck said...

mary b - now i guess that means if i win i get to share with you, it'll be a pleasure, i'll bring it to you in person and we can go get breakfast so i can try some of that hot sauce. and you're right... i'll be fine.

btw, that toothache remedy works on a lot of ailments... swish, swish.

June 07, 2006 12:00 AM  
Blogger whatalotoffun said...

Just hang in there. Take everyday as it comes. I know how it feels. My parents lost everything they worked for too. My dad was declared unfit for work and the policy of the house did not want to pay out so they lost it.

June 07, 2006 4:13 AM  
Blogger Chuck said...

hey whatalotofffun - how are you doing today? things will work out and i'll get by, i've been up against the wall most of my life, why should i expect it to be any different now. i just get tired of it, i'm way past ready to get on with it and stop worrying all of the time. have a good day.

June 07, 2006 11:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know why blogger keeps doing this, but anonymous up there is me, Montanus, and I meant everything I said. Get your own back.

June 07, 2006 12:27 PM  
Blogger Chuck said...

thanks montanus - i should have known it was you, blogger has been giving me fits lately, my whole blog was gone for about an hour yesterday, i thought i had screwed the pooch some how. thanks again.

June 07, 2006 6:53 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

BTW, I feel like you blew me off, my comment on this. I won't offer advice and I'm sorry I did.

June 07, 2006 10:26 PM  
Blogger Chuck said...

babs - my love - i would never blow you off, i always look for your comments first, i was just in a funk and could not make any sense. please beleive me that i had no intention of treating you that way. i'm sorry. i actually intended to talk to you more about this. i wish i could just call you.

June 08, 2006 9:59 AM  
Blogger ancient clown said...

You may not wish to know this but I like your writing. What you may wish to know is what's happening here and now, as it does concern you.
your humble servant,
Ancient Clown

p.s. Though liars have stated otherwise...nowhere do I say I'm Jesus, in FACT just the opposite happens...it is others who meet me who say these things despite my objections. JUST FOR THE RECORD. At least hate me for YOUR OWN reasons and not for the lies of others.

June 30, 2006 10:03 AM  

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